Live to be Happy
I think everyone should live to be happy. They should strive to be happy. Do what it takes to get there.
Learn to Live. Live to Love. Love to Laugh.
George Bernard Shaw
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

On October first it will be two years that I married the love of my life. Yes it sounds cheesy but I could not say it any other way.
I found a man who loves and is not afraid to show it. Who supports me in everything I do. He does everything in his power to make sure I am happy and well. He cares for me when I am sick.
I love my husband in a way I didn't think was possible. I love who he is, and what he stands for. I love everything about him.
I love you and am proud to be your wife.

Times have been so nuts it is insane how much has happened. So many friends and relatives announcing impending births. It is alittle bit of an ouch.
I know it isn't the right time and we really should wait but at the same time it is a neverending want. We talked and said maybe in a year we will try. That all depends on everything going as planned. Everything lining up just right.
How often do things line up just right? It is not a common thing. Sort of like a blue moon.
It is only the 14th of September and so many people in my different rabbit groups have lost some of their rabbits. It is so sad. Some of them are rabbits I have come to love. Here is a list of thier names.
Ashy Tyler - Laura
Ruby - Jess
Pebble - Michaela and Ebony
Snoozy Snooze - Mary Kay
SugarBear - Peg
Puck - Peg
Marshmallow - Cheryl
I am sure there are many more that these are just a drop in the bucket.
This is all for now.
Edit To Add: Cooper - Laura from Tenn
Edit To Add: Jen - Jenson
Snuggles - Mandy
Edit to Add - Herman - Kat and Winnie
Edit to ADD - Lynne - Peg
Sprite - Angela
Edit to Add - Cocoa - Jay
Murphy - Kriss
SA - Patricia
Edit to Add - Milo - Michelle From NZ
Peanut - Emily and Rex
Lucky - Michelle from NZ
Edit to Add
Tidbit - Sophie