This was last night.
Hey Sam guess you read what I said about the thunder. I love you too.
For everyone else this afternoon I went to feed the bunnies there afternoon treat and I turned to give Sam some and she wasn't there. I fell to the floor crying. I just wanted my baby. At that moment it started to thunder.I like to think that was her stomping telling me she was ok and to get up.
This morning.
It's funny they say grief you blame others. I don't blame others and I don't blame myself. It was her time to go and thats all. No way to change that. I will miss her and rather her be here but it is was just her time.
I loved her, Rob loved her, My mom, my dad, my brother and those here loved her. She knew that.
We did everything to make sure she was healthy, taking her to the vet. Making sure she had the best food, the healthiest treats. Nothing more we could just her time.I just miss her.
This afternoon.
Well I just got off the phone with the vets office we have made the choice to have you cremated. It wasn't an easy choice. In the end we wanted you to always have your place in our family. No one will ever replace you.
Next week the two guinea pigs join our family in body. In heart they already are part of this family they were before you left. In you honor we are going to call them Logan Jake (Jane) and Samuel (Samantha) Elijah or Eliot. I like Elijah but waiting for what Daddy thinks. Daddy still can not come here to say good bye.
His heart is broken and I am not sure he is ready to yet.